Where did your balls go?!
Since the election, you've thrown Rummsfield under the bus, let Burton go from the UN, and let the liberals run rough-shod all over your military policy
before they've even taken over Congress!!You are the Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces, charged with upholding our Constitution
as it is written, and with protecting the citizens of the United States of America.
Pull your finger out and unleash the hounds of hell!If (hell....
when!) we cut-and-run from Iraq, when we give legitimacy to the two-bit dictators of Syria and Iran by treating with them (
when they are the ones RESPONSIBLE FOR FUNDING THE VERY TERRORISTS OUR TROOPS ARE FIGHTING!), when we start to de-fund the war effort (and wait.... when Democrats take over Congress, it will happen), we LOSE!
And our children and our grandchildren will have to deal with the Islamonazi threat that we were too weak-willed to deal with.
By letting the liberals turn the war into a political issue rather than a military one, you are betraying the men and women who volunteered to face
EVIL in order to protect us at home.
Oh, now we have to
talk to, and
negotiate with the subhuman scum who delight in decapitating their captives.....
They. Want. Us. DEAD!!! Do not pass "go", et al. They want us dead, and you
cannot negotiate with that!
Leftists say that the Islamonazis are, "just like us. We are all one people".....
Bullshit! These are the same people who say that Afghanis and Iraqis "can't handle" freedom because they're
too different from us!!! Which in itself is retarded thinking: Who the Hell wants to live in slavery??
Republicans, in this case, are not much better. They're busy being
bi-partisan. Do you know what that means? It means "Republicans bending over for Democrats and doing everything the Left wants them to do",
that's what bi-partisan means. And they want to lead by
consensus....You CAN'T lead by consensus! It's impossible! You lead by LEADING, and for taking responsiblilty as a LEADER!
So get your NUTS BACK and LEAD us!