Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It Just Goes On and On, Doesn't It?

Haven't posted for the last few days. No, Ktreva, I'm not dead. ;-) Just nothing much going on: job searching, laundry, etc., etc.

Oh, and I had a birthday in there, too.

There was a time that I played the bodhran (sounds like "bough - drawn" -- yeah, that's close enough), an Irish drum consisting of a shallow wooden frame (averaging 2-1/2 to 4 inches deep), over which is streached an animal hide, typically goat skin. I've played cow skin, deer skin, pig skin, (and yeah, Hydro, calf skin) but goat is definately the best. They come in all sizes, from the 10" one my son received as his first birthday present, to the 18" ones I prefer, to some large enough to be bass drums!

Why do I bring all that up now? Just thought I'd educate those who'd never heard of a bodhran before. That, and I just didn't have anything worth writing about otherwise. I hadn't meant to post anything until I had some good news, but seeing as how it's been for. . . for days now since I last posted, I thought I'd at least let those who care know that I haven't sloughed off this mortal coil.

Happy now?


  1. Okay, now that I've emptied the fornicopia of spam, you may drive through.

  2. And the best way to play a bodhran?

    with a pen knife!

    (runs away and hides)

  3. Hey! I was gonna say that Contagion! There he goes again, stealing my lines...

  4. Hey Contagion, still got those rhythm sticks? ;-)
