Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I've Made a Decision. . .

I told myself when I started this blog that I didn't want to delve a whole lot into politics. I wanted to keep my subjects limited to things I think about and enjoy.

Don't get me wrong, I follow political issues rather closely, but face it, the body politic is being flayed alive by damned near everyone with a blog -- by Conservatives, Liberals, et al., and ya know what? I'm tired.

I'm tired of thinking, and I'm really tired of using common sense every single day!

So my decision has been to become a Democrat. A LIBERAL Democrat. And I think (oops, sorry!) I FEEL that everyone should join me. C'mon, it's easy! Throw off the heavy burden of intellect! Be ye not hindered by Right and Wrong! C'mon everyone, let's all be victims of a corrupt, capitalistic society!

Let me show you how easy it can be with just two rationalizations:
1. Everything bad that happens is because of Conservatives in general, and
George Bush in particular -- 9/11, Katrina, AIDS, this year's drought, people
eating meat, and the boil that's forming on my ass. It's all Bush's fault! Why?
Because that's the way I FEEL. And if you don't agree with me, then you're
homophobic, racist, bigoted, and you're just not very nice!

2. A large, bureaucrat government can fix ANYTHING -- just look at the effectiveness of gun control, our glorious education system, our complete and total lack of homeless people, etc., etc.

See how easy being a Lib can be? Just don't THINK! Bask in the >cough!< wisdom of Michael Moore! Rejoice in hearing the lyrical, >gack!< voice of the
Rev. Jackson! Join me in singing the praises of Ted Kennedy!

>choke, gag, spew!<

(Ahh, screw it. You know, I can't even joke about that without sicking up on my

Use common sense, people. Stop being Liberal Sheep! THINK, FOR FUCKSAKE!

This tirade was brought to you today by the number Q.


  1. When good things happen it's because of God, when bad things happen it's because of the government....

    I wonder what they are trying to say?

  2. Now ktreva, in a perfect liberal/socialist world there IS no god (big or little "g") to thank or blame: there is only the government, from whom all blessings flow.

  3. Yeah, you got it right, bud. Just think how wonderful it would be if we all could just quit our jobs and live off the government. Hmmm.... Who would pay for things then? Oh yeah, THE RICH! :)

    I have an in-law who is sucking off the government teat, "disability". Not that they COULDN'T possibly work a full time job, but they CHOOSE NOT TO, and have a Doctor who says they can't. Hmmm... Not too hard to get a Doctor to say that, apparently. His "condition" improved markedly over several years ago when his claim was filed, but he doesn't want to work now, and his wife WON'T LET HIM TRY, becuase she has to protect their benefits (i.e. free money taken out of OUR pockets!).

    Every time it comes up, she wonders why it wedges sideways in my craw.... Gee, I wonder. I wonder why I get upset over all the people that think I have to pay to support them, when I can barely make bloody ends meet month-to-month myself, and I ain't getting no help (i.e. handouts) from anyone.
