Monday, January 16, 2006

Alright Already!

Okay... geeze... I'm back... though purely for selfish reasons due to this last post by Syn:

"Just how close were you and Chem growing up? Writers block at the same time. Well, here's some incentive, first one of you to post something new gets a copy of the new and updated version of the nurses gone wild video. Post two things and we'll throw in a free nurses gone wild pocket pleasure guide. ACT NOW!!"

Chem of Hypodermic Scorpion (my brother-by-choice) hasn't posted anything for even longer than I, and now it seems that syn's offering a tasty treat for the first one of us to post.

(Only one however -- I'm not in the market for a "pocket pleasure guide". I already know where everything is, thank you very much...) >:^)

Of course, it's highly likely that the joke's on me -- I do NOT want to see sept- and octogenarians (nor anyone else for that matter) getting the diabolical "silver bullet", nor do I want to see old, saggy bossomed *Nurse Cratchets* in action.

Keep in mind, syn, that whatever you send will be shared with both of the people that read this poor excuse of a blog.

Question: I've heard that "syn" stands for "stupid young nurse". Are you sure it's not "sexy young nurse", "sumptuous young nurse", or like that?


  1. wes, you are on the right track with the syn thing. she's in the shower now, (i know cause i peeked) but i'm sure she will want to read this right away. she will be pleased to see that her post had a result, just like she is pleased when her suppositories get results. maybe that is her superpower, 'mind suppositories'.

  2. "Mind suppositories"? LOL.

    WHAT?! You peeked?! I'm shocked... that you didn't take pics. ;^)

  3. hmmm... Can I have some Mind Suppositories for the people I work with???

  4. We'll need enough for the entire northern Illinois area... Help us Syn!

  5. Wes, I see you are over your writers block. I knew a little incentive would go a long way. Your dvd is in the mail. Your brother is such a loser. Yes, I do have a way with the suppositories. Rarely does a night come at work when I haven't lubed up and delivered the bullet. Ask Chem, first night I trained him as a nurse, what did we do? We gave 2. I guess it is my superpower. Never thought about mind ones though, I have never made it past the anus. Sexy Young Nurse? I don't know, ask Tut. (he did peek in the shower that night, haven't seen any pictures - YET!!)

  6. Who is this Chemicalnova? Seems I have heard of him before. Oh yeah, he's the shit that got me interested in the internet, his website, then dumped us all for fornication. Take a break and finish the freaking story already.

  7. mmm, queen of the release! i like it!
