Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What The Hell'd I Do??

Recently, I received a message from Contagion saying,

"Payback! TAG!"

And a link to a freakin' geek test!

"Payback?" I don't know what I did to warrant that, but okay, what the fuck, I'll take it.

I've come to find out that, indeed, I am 35% geek.

Somewhere around here I have a book of Monty Python scripts, and can recite "Holy Grail" damned near verbatim, I have quoted Yoda, I roleplay on a fairly regular basis, I do know what "GURPS" stands for, was a drummer in my high school marching band, routinely corrected spelling/grammar of teachers, co-workers, and bosses, have worn my kilt just for the helluvit, worked at a Renfair, enjoy reading sci-fi and fantasy books, as well as historical fiction and historical fact, listen and play music that hardly anyone else listens to, I like watching "Charmed", I do believe in dragons, fairies, leprechauns, unicorns.....

Ya get it? I'm. A. GEEK! I've made peace with it, embraced it, and made it my own.

So there.

Go take the test (if you haven't already) and let me know how you score.

And remember: Embrace your geekiness!


  1. Well, you beat me flat out. I'm a computer guy, I guess not as strong as all things classified "GEEK". 16.9625%

  2. 16.962%??? That's it?! I would've thought the accordian alone would be worth at least 20%! ;-)

  3. Good God! It's like looking into a big, geeky mirror! :-D
