Target of choice on this occasion.... Somebody's old printer. Watching chunks fly off that printer while hitting it with 7.62 x 54 rounds fired from Contagion's Mosin Nagant made me giggle like a little girl! I learned a couple valuable lessons also:
1. The mosin kicks like a fucking mule, as the bruises on my shoulders will attest, &
2. When firing the mosin, or any bolt action rifle, left handed, make sure your left thumb is well out of the way when working the bolt with your right hand. That mother'll slice it quite nicely.
As fun as it is to shot, I think I only put 30 rounds through that Mosin, mostly for reason #1.
The AK-47 now..... I wish I'd had at least another 300 rounds for that. Gawd, is it nice to shoot! I can see why a lot of AK shooters wear gloves though... That fore grip gets fucking hot!
The Walther PPK now, I think I was the only one who enjoyed firing that little gun. I didn't have the problem of "slide bite" that some complain about, & I wasn't overly concerned about hitting targets with it (most targets were at least 100 feet away, & it's only good for the first 50 or so), but for close up, it's not a bad little pistol.
The .357 was fun as well, but the newest love of my life?
The Colt .45 model 1991. That's about the most accurate I've ever shot with a pistol. There is nothing I don't like about that gun; the way it sits in the had, the ease of operation, everything.
I've got to get me one o' those!
We left the range around 2 I think, & headed back to Contagion's to find his lovely wife Ktreva, along with lovely Wil, Red, & Petey in the backyard, partaking of adult beverages.
Stuff gets fuzzy from there.... Graumagus showed up, as did Bruce & I think at least another 30 people....
Hell, I don't know....
I know that I'd brought the bodhran down & Petey & I sang some songs. I think I got ass-punched a couple times.
And yes, at one point I removed my shirt. Wouldn't you if it was covered in various and sundry stomach fluids & snot?
Not my most dignified moment.... Oh no....
Bottom line, we all had a good time & though I didn't feel up to blogging much (read: "I didn't want to yack on someone's laptop) I'm looking forward to Blogcrawl '09.....
Probably as a Designated Driver....