Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Change Is Hard.

Which is why I prefer bills.

*rim shot*

Yeah, I know....

Really though, for me change has always been difficult.

I'm not talking about the empty "promise" of change proclaimed by the liberal's mulatto messiah currently running for president, but actual life altering change.

Tomorrow I go to a local college to speak with an adviser about returning to school for my teaching degree.

I'm looking forward to it, don't get me wrong. This is a good thing; an end to my loooong series of dead end jobs; the first step to an actual career.

I just know it won't be easy. I just turned 38, I have a wife and 4 kids & I have to get a job to work around whatever hellish schedule I'm about to subject myself to......

But I can't let those things stop me. I'm done with excuses & I'm finally going to go through with it.

It's just scary for me, ya know?

I'd appreciate prayers, good thoughts, whatever sort of karmic support I can get.

Thanks in advance. :)

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