Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Congratulations America!

You've just elected our FIRST MARXIST PRESIDENT of the U.S.S.A!!!

Feel good?

Feel proud?

Well that's funny.....

Considering you've fucked us all.

You third party voters...

You wanted to make your "statement" & you did:

You were willing to accept an anti-American Socialist over a man who, despite his many, MANY faults, truly does love his country, who sacrificed more than the vast majority of us ever will for his country, for your "statement".

Was it worth it?

I wasn't a big fan of McCain, God knows! But 1 of 2 people were gonna win this election, one of whom is a man who's stated that his country sucks

(in different, no doubt more nuanced words),

wants to "redistribute"

(read: "confiscate")

the money of folks who work hard and give to other folks who don't, thinks it's just fine to let babies who survive their abortions die anyway since "that was the mother's intent in the first place", thinks his Black Liberation theology is a wonderful religion & his hate mongering "Reverend" Wright is a good man.....

I don't need to go on.

What else can I say but...

Welcome to the White House, mulatto messiah.

I hope our nation survives you.


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