Sunday, August 21, 2005

What's the Freakin' Point?

Well, I did it. I had a letter drafted and ready to go to the Rockford Bored of Education. And I threw it away. Why? Because. What's the fucking point? Those dumbasses wouldn't've read it anyway, and even if they had, would it've changed anything?

Hell no. They'd still be "right" and "and all caring" and I'd still be a racist, homophobic, meat-eating, conservative, polluter, and fucker-upper-of weather.

So ya know what? I'm going to concentrate on teaching MY kids what's right and wrong (according to my conscience and good ol' Judeo-Christian teachings) and the rest are on their own.

Idaho is looking better and better. Or Rhode Island, I can't decide.


  1. hmmm... it could have made a difference, hey?

  2. Katie: I'm already in a state of Misery.(I tease because I love!) ;-)

    Grau: RI too close to MA? Hell, We're ALL too close to MA!

    cirkuspony: Ve shall see, ja? ;-)

    chemicalnova: Yeah, Idaho's "interesting". Rockford, however. . . .

  3. Ummm, note to self: Before posting with an accent, it MAY be a good idea to check folks' profiles FIRST. . .

    I had NO IDEA that cirkuspony was from the Netherlands when I wrote that last comment. 'DOH!!

    It DOES make it funnier, though. . . ;-)
