It's happened to God Almighty, Buddha, Christ, Abraham, Moses, and the many arms of Vishnu: the vicious, eeevil cartoonist has struck again!!!
What's wrong? No sense of humor?
Ya laughed your arses off looking at comic and offensive pictures and articles of other folks gods, prophets of old, and modern day heroes.
Not laughin' now, are ya?
No, you're back to blowing people up, destroying the property of others, and rioting, demanding the rest of the world be tolerant of YOUR beliefs!
Yes, Islamofacists, arguably the least tolerant of ALL religious fanatics, are demanding that WE be tolerant of THEM, with their road-side bombs, homicide/suicide bombers, and terrorist assassins; the gutless bastards who hide behind holy places, women and children, and hospitals filled with the sick and invalid!
"Religion of Peace" my arse!
I'm nowhere NEAR as eloquent as Ann Coulter, so I'll let you read this article by her.
Wallup, Ann!
there are so many different things i'd like to say in response to all of the furor over this cartoon but they are mostly wildly innappropriate and defamatory, not that that stops the people who are burning and killing over a drawing. some thoughts i do want to share are-
ReplyDelete1. go danes! i never gave them much thought except to have read with interest of their history of plunder and exploration. i always thought of them in a mostly neutral to slightly positive way. i am glad to see they still have viking sized balls.
2. it's well past time to quit tiptoeing around the feelings of muslims. as wes pointed out, everyone else's chosen deity has been singled out at one time or another for various reasons whether those reasons be good or bad. are mohammed and allah really going to be harmed by a cartoon? aren't they divine, in the case of muhammed, and/or omnipotent, in the case of allah? if so, then can't they answer this cartoon for themselves? is the basis for this religion really that shaky? i've seen muslim spokesmen on tv going on about how the west patronizes muslims and looks down on islam. well, for my part, yes, i do feel patronizing towards illiterate, uneducated, non critically thinking people. though this is not always their fault, mostly due to their repressive governments and the lack of concern they demonstrate for the well being of their people, these people are like children in many ways. unless they are taught that you cannot burn things and kill people when their feelings are hurt, then they will continue to do so. if we reward them for these actions by capitulating to their demands that we not offend them, then we reinforce their misbehavior. unfortunately, we can't just paddle their bottoms and send them to their rooms until they can behave, we have to kill them. if there is a mob looting an embassy somewhere in the world, send a tomahawk into the middle of the crowd. will they believe it was a missile or the finger of allah? maybe it is one and the same. burn a church or temple somewhere and lose a mosque. yes, allah can work directly on the world, if he is indeed a legitimate deity, but like most other deities, it appears that he generally works through the hand of mankind. so, if the muslims are punished in this way every time they misbehave, and these people on tv are as devout as they claim to be, won't they soon come to believe that allah sees what they are doing as wrong? if they don't come to this realization, then they are a threat to all the rest of us and must be dealt with as any other threat should be. eliminate it. this doesn't mean genocide. it simply means dismantle the religion. destroy the mosques and korans. do the mullahs fear satellite tv, levi's, mcdonalds and coca-cola? you bet they do. like other religions they are losing their youth to popular (western) culture. get rid of the places of worship and the extremist mullahs, flood them with wetern culture and in a few generations islam will be yet another antiquated and failed religion.
just my thoughts, wes, and everyone else. i needed to vent.