Saturday, September 02, 2006

El Rey De Cerveza??

It used to be, when I wanted a cheap beer at a bar, I'd order a MGD.

Not after this.

If they're going to support ILLEGAL immigrants, I'm not giving them my money.

Of course, the Miller Brewing Company denies that they support ILLEGAL immigration.

Sure. OK. Right....

Apparently, Miller's just another corporation that's going to bend over the alter of political correctness and kiss the asses of ILLEGAL ALIENS!!

What the hell, there aren't enough of us LEGAL CITIZENS buying your swill, that you need to encroach on Corona's turf?!



  1. it's a conspiracy! they are infiltrating everywhere! my verification word is HACUANC. just sounds like it means something mean in spanish about all us whiteys. back to the point, you'd think miller sponsors enough stuff already not to have to make a stretch like that. jeez, beer sells itself, man!

  2. Our Mexican works for less than your Mexican!!!!

  3. Shows what you know, tut...

    My Mexicans don't work *at all*!

  4. that's some spoiled mexicans, wes. what'd you do? feed 'em before the pool was cleaned and the yard mowed?

    my word thing: pigzxc.

    i know it's something nast, can't figure out what.


    YEAH YEAH YEAH...I'M your mexican that mows your lawn, cleans the pool and cleans the yard..I'm also the Mexican that's on leave from IRAK
    at least I walk the talk and do my part for my adoptive country while you seat on your ass and flash the flag I wear everyday....come home to your nonsense comments do something productive and send some care packages to our men in uniform

  6. Anonymous: First off, thank you profusely for your service. Secondly, did you not read the emphasized word, "ILLEGAL"? If you're serving *our* country, then you're not ILLEGAL, are you?

    (And your certainly not the Mexican "mowing my yard..." Tell you a secret: I don't *really* have Mexicans working for me -- I was being sarcastic, but it's not too funny once I have to explain it, is it?)

    The post doesn't apply to you.

    And thirdly, you don't know me just like I don't know you. I've always had the deepest respect for the flag and all those who serve under it. You don't know what I've done to show my support for our troops because I don't feel the need to say, "Hey, lookie what *I've* done!"

    BTW, it's spelled "Iraq". If your serving there, learn how to spell it.
