Friday, March 16, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I'm posting this now 'cause tomorrow, I'm bound for Kansas. I have to leave at midnight tomorrow, so I'll be sleeping during the day, which SUCKS, it being St. Paddy's Day and all.....

(But I gotta make the cash, ya know?)

And so, I'm posting (and drinking) tonight, which should be interesting.

Before I start finding clips of Irish tunes and such, allow me to get political in an Irish kind of way. I have heard many, many times, that to oppose the British presence in the North of Ireland, one must be a socialist.

A fucking SOCIALIST!

Why? Because "Ireland should be for the working man", a term used by our our own Socialist/Communist/Liberal elite that actually means a man/woman who should depend on that "god", "The State", for all things.

Bullshit, I say!

Look at the father of Irish Independence, Padraig (Patrick) Pearse, who believed in an Ireland for ALL people; rich, poor, Catholic, Protestant, man, woman and child! Not just for the "working class". Read the Irish Declaration of Indepence. An Ireland for one and all, not just for a few.

I'm all for true Irish Independence, and I'm as Conservative as one can get.

How can this be? Because to live under a Communistic regime is to live in slavery.

Look at the old Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. Look at what happened in El Salvadore and Nicaragua during the 1980s and '90s. I have a brother-in-law who lived through the bloodshed in El Salvador, and he told me enough to turn my stomach regarding what the communists did to his country-of-birth.

How can anyone with a brain in his/her head say that Communism = freedom?!

To be a true Conservative, one must believe that government has a very limited role to play in the day-to-day life of the individual citizen. The government has the obligation to protect it's citizens from foes, foreign and domestic, and to raise taxes toward that goal. It's up to the individual to make his/her way, without government getting in their way!

What's bad about that? What's "anti-freedom" about that?

If anyone wants to argue the point, feel free. Unlike a Leftist, I'm open to debate.

Politics 101 is concluded (for now).

And now, so good ol' Irish tuneage:

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