Friday, August 29, 2008

I Know I Was Gonna....

But I didn't.


I was gonna critique the Galesburg Heritage Days event, but well..... you know.

I just can't get excited about posting anymore. There's no inspiration, the words just don't come to me anymore. I have a head full of ideas but when it comes time to write them down.....

The only reason I'm posting now is that I took the day off originally because the sitter was going to be closed. Her husband kept it open, but I took the day anyway. Just to get some shit done around the house & yard without arguing kids.

What the hell, right? The bullshit I have to put up with from my incompetent boss, retarded co-workers, piss poor drivers, & customers who get upset that I'm not a fucking psychic, I deserve a "me" day.

Let me explain that last part. I go to a place of business to pick up freight. All I know when I walk in their door is: 1. How many pieces of freight I'm to pick up, & 2. What the approximate weight is.

That's all!

I don't know where their shit's going! They, the shipper, need to tell me that!
I don't know what exactly it is that they're shipping! They, the shipper, need to tell me that!
I don't know what service they want to use (Next, 2nd, or 3rd Day, guaranteed or not guaranteed). That's all information that I get from THE SHIPPER! I DON'T KNOW ANY OF THAT GARBAGE UNTIL. THEY. TELL. ME!!!

Many, many times I've had to listen to some fucking brain stem talking on the phone saying, "This guy [me] doesn't know anything!"

To which I've said, "How can I know if you don't TELL me? This is all information that I need FROM YOU if you want me to move your freight!"

Work's been bumming me out. I'm just not going anywhere, you know? My hours are still cut from 10 to 11 hours a day to 7-1/2 to 8. I need to get out. Every time I walk in that shop door, I die a little.

I need to go back to school. I've been thinking about it for awhile & by next spring, I'll be enrolled in school again.

What field? Teaching. History (or "Social Studies", if you prefer). To 6th - 12th graders.

The Wife thinks I'm coo-coo for Crazy Puffs. Not because I want to be a teacher, but because I want to teach history to packs of walking hormones! Truth is, I feel I can deal better with older kids than with younger ones.

It's something I have a passion for, history, ever since I was a kid. History never bored me & it always confused me why most people seemed to be so..... blah!.... about it.

My only problem is before I can start school, I have to get a different job.

A job that pays at least what I make now, because to tell the truth, I can't honestly say we're making it right now, & with a drastic pay cut, we'd be back in the crapper once more.

The Wife's been saying that if I need to take a job that makes less in the short run, to do it because in the long run, I'll have a degree & the certification to teach anywhere.

Heh. That sounds good..... Until the bills start piling up...... again...... and the fireworks start..... again.

Yep, we've been there before...

If there's anyone out there who's been in this situation, how did you handle it? How did you go back to school as an adult with kids and bills and such?

I really want to know.

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