Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No, I Don't Need a Drug Test, Thank You!

Now that I've got a bit of time, I can fill ya in on the truck driving nun story.

Well, it's not so much a story as an observation, but here's what happened:

'Twas the middle of last week & I was pulling my truck into a TA truckstop, where I would wait for a call from my dispatcher telling me to go somewhere and fetch something.

I sit a LOT in my current job, waiting for such calls.....

Anyway, I'm going into the TA for a (diet) coke & as I open the door, there's an honest-to-God nun coming out. I hold the door for her, she smiles, nods & passes by.

Now I thought it odd that a nun was coming out of the commercial drivers door but I wasn't going to chastise the sister. I just assumed her station wagon was nearby.

I go in, pay for my diet coke, & walk out. As I do, the Penski rental tractor-trailer nearest the door fires up & when I look up at the driver, there she is: the little nun.... in full habit.... sitting behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler flatbed hauling a fork truck.

I was.... well.... speechless!

I walk back to my truck, I know, with my jaw hanging down, staring at this improbable sight as Our Lady of the Interstate pulled out of the lot & right on down the highway.

Friends, I can honestly say "I have seen about all there is to see, truckdriving." I've seen Africans right off the boat (one of which wore a dashiki!), Sikhs wearing turbans, newly arrived Asians, Eastern Europeans, & even a few Canadians, but if you'd told me, "Wes, today you'll see a Roman Catholic NUN driving a rig", I'd've told you to go take your meds.

Of course, when I told folks back at the shop what I'd seen, my DP wanted to send me to the clinic for a drug test.....

Maybe I shoulda went....

Ah well, that's what happened. Tomorrow I'll tell about Heritage Days, but right now I need to say my novena to Our Lady of the Open Road. +

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