Thursday, May 31, 2007

Oh, Boo - Friggin' - Hoo!

Heard this story on the truck radio last night as I drove down and across Illinois last night, so I had to look it up in the socialist rag, The New York Slimes.

Some poor terrorist apparently committed suicide at Club Gitmo.

Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

In order to show what a compassionate Conservative I am, I'm going to start sending Care Packages to the poor terrorist detainees.

Inside will be a razor blade, a 3 foot length of rope, a bottle of MD 20/20, & sleeping pills, all in a clear plastic bag.

There! Four fucking different ways for you to send yourselves to Hell quicker, ya murderous sub-human pieces of shit!

Hey... I just want to do my part.

Anyone else want to donate?


  1. Sorry, can't condone the use of Mad Dog on terrorists. I've seen (and felt) what that shit can do.

    WAY too cruel...

  2. I just remember the drinking & carousing the 9/11 terrorists partook of before their attack is all.

    Besides, you wouldn't want me to waste money on *good* booze, would you?

    I ain't *that* compassionate! ;-)

  3. I'll donate a bucket of pig shit for them to drown in....

  4. Let's see... rope, razor blade, MD 20/20 & sleeping pills, clear plastic bag AND a bucket of pig shit.

    Thanks Grau!
